Year's End
Saturday December 31 2016 Filed in:
weather animals orchidsFirst the year was cold ,then hot, then wet, the Fall went on wonderfully long and here we are waiting on the last snow storm for the year. Plans for Christmas were disrupted for many with a threatened blizzard and now I imagine many will have their New Year’s celebrations altered when the next one blows in. This will be the third storm this month and the second one this week!

This photograph shows the outside staircase to the studio and the narrow path Richard dug in order to get to it – wonder how the drifts will be after the next one. The snow mounds in Winnipeg look higher than they usually look at the end of the winter.

I love the way the snow piles up especially on small twigs that never look large enough to support the size of snowfall it’s wearing. I am also inspired by the fantastic indigo shadows cast by the trees when the sun comes out.

But no matter how cold or how stormy when the clouds lift enough to be able to view the sunrise it is always spectacular.

My orchid is back to its fantastic blossoming. With a snow background it is wonderful to see.

We are still being visited by a fox – he looks much fitter than he did in the spring, obviously had a good summer. His coat is wonderfully red.

We have many squirrels in our yard and unfortunately often they want to take over our house so we use live traps to catch them and then take them to live a little farther into the country. Sometimes I think they get home before us! The fox on the step was very interested in a large grey in the trap but when the squirrel realized he was there he jumped and so frightened the fox! My neighbour, who cleans our snow, was clearing the end of the drive and saw two coyotes playing there. We haven’t seen them but we are seeing a lot of paw prints and a lot of poop!

We put out sunflower seeds for the birds all year long, which also attracts the squirrels – but along with the usual nuthatches and chickadees we had this one – no idea what it is and it was obviously way off track but very beautiful – unfortunately only stayed a few minutes.

Have been involved with one group show this month and then found that with all the holiday preparations was completely unfocused on art work. Did finish off everything for my two pieces for Vancouver and got all the packing labels and information and photographs organized and ready to go in the new year. But other than that have only been trying to draw on my iPad – its much easier on paper! But as it took me years to study and practice my drawing on paper I guess I will have to persevere! I do have several shows coming up in January and February so my days of laziness are soon coming to an end.